Hakuhodo Institute of Life and Living Shanghai Co., Ltd.


Hakuhodo Life and Living Institute was established in 2012 in China as a 100% owned company of Hakuhodo Inc., a Japanese advertising company with a history of more than 120 years, to spread and develop its Sei-katsu-sha Insight corporate philosophy in China as a new think tank for the group.

Contact information

Unit 1703, 17th Floor, Office Tower 3, Raffles City Changning, No. 1193 Changning Road, Changning District, 200051 Shanghai China

Tel: +86 21 6240 1515

Fax: +86 21 6211 7592

Mail: News@hakuhodo-shzy.cn

Weilin Zhao, Consultant
Bao Xu, Associate Chief Researcher

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