The Pokémon CompanyA Black Legend Appears in Tokyo

SIX Inc. | Hakuhodo Kettle Inc. | Hakuhodo Inc.

Our mission was to make a strong announcement that Shiny Black Rayquaza, one of the most popular Legendary Pokémon, was available to catch in Pokémon GO.


In Pokémon GO, Legendary Pokémon appear at “Gyms,” which are located at iconic landmarks and spots to inspire players to explore the real world. We decided to make striking images of our Legendary Pokémon pop up at one of the most famous landmarks in Tokyo to drive the players to catch it.


Rayquaza is like the dragon, a legendary creature in mythology and folklore, so we used sumie, or traditional ink wash painting, which has been practiced since olden times. We created striking artworks of Shiny Black Rayquaza and set them up at Shibuya 109 Tower and Shibuya Station around Shibuya Crossing, which is known as the Times Square of Japan.


  • 2019 Clio Entertainment Awards: Silver (Games x 2), Bronze (Games)